Last Updated on November 10, 2020

Every Friday I’ll be sharing a photo from someplace in my travels.

This week’s photo is of Kabukicho in Tokyo, Japan.

Kabukicho is often referred to in Japanese as the “Sleepless Town”. Located in a corner of Shinjuku, it’s Tokyo’s infamous red-light and entertainment district. At all times of night you’ll find blaring neon lights and signs enticing customers to come into one of its three thousand restaurants, bars, nightclubs, and other more raunchier places. The amount of neon is overwhelming as the signs pile up some 13 floor and higher above the crowds.

Considered one of the most dangerous areas of Japan, and the largest red-light districts in Asia, it’s safe if you just want to wander the streets to take in the atmosphere, but be careful what shops you walk into. Many of the establishments are run by Japanese yakuza, or mob, and you may find yourself in some trouble if you’re not keeping your wits about you. During the day you’ll find many tourists and police officers strolling the alleys, but at night, it’s a whole different crowd of people.

Tokyo, Japan

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