Every Friday I’ll be sharing a photo from someplace in my travels.
This week’s photo is of the Hong Kong skyline during Earth Hour.
Earth Hour was celebrated across the world last week, as millions powered off their lights for an hour. Cited as the world’s worst city for light pollution, surprisingly enough, Hong Kong also took part for the sixth year in a row.
In the minutes leading up to the start of Earth Hour in Hong Kong, darkness slowly swept across the island as the buildings dimmed their lights. Although it may not look that dark compared to many cities worldwide, but it truly was a stark contrast to the usual bright and cheery skyline across Victoria Harbour. Many unsuspecting tourists seemed quite disappointed as the skyline quickly became almost unrecognizable.
I was quite impressed that almost all buildings dimmed the lights, other than the China Construction Bank Tower– leave it to Mainland China to show they don’t care about the environment I guess. While I appreciate the efforts made by everyone else for caring about the Earth and its future, I must admit, I’d rather take the colorful, light polluted skyline of Hong Kong any day.