Are you tired of spending your hard-earned money on travel packages that end up being nothing more than typical tourist traps? Cruises, historic walking tours, and trips to big-name destinations can look great on paper. But sometimes they turn out to be unexciting exercises in the same old, same old. What’s the solution?
For starters, pick your target city or region with great care. All it takes is a bit of research and soul-searching to identify places that are fun, memorable, and unique. Take care of financing first to lock in low prices on lodging and transportation. Personal loans are an ideal way to cover all the related expenses. The following locations will help jump-start your imagination. They include non-tourist-trap locales that you’ll never forget and might choose to return to again and again.
Hokkaido, Japan
In many ways, Hokkaido is one of Asia’s best-kept secrets. Japan’s northernmost island includes the city of Sapporo, a former Winter Olympics site and home to some of the best ski slopes on the planet. But even if skiing is not your thing, there’s plenty to do and see in the nation’s legendary north country, where mountainous peaks, gorgeous rivers, and seascapes beckon savvy travelers who want a glimpse of Japan’s most breathtaking landscapes.
Financing Your Special Trip
Taking out a personal loan from a private lender puts the power in your hands when it comes to travel. This is especially true when you choose to embark on a journey that costs several thousand dollars, and you don’t have enough ready cash on hand to cover the entire bill. The main advantage of working with a private lender is that you can gain access to competitive rates, flexible terms, and generous borrowing limits. Don’t let your special journey get delayed or canceled just because you don’t have enough in a savings account. Apply for a personal loan and move on to the detailed planning for your memorable trip.
Old Tucson, Arizona
It is no secret that travel is a great form of education and for history buffs, Old Tucson is a treasure. Located directly next door to the more famous town of Tucson, Arizona, the city’s old version is a place where the wild west was a reality. Many parts of the city have been meticulously preserved, and numerous Hollywood films have been shot there. You can drive through Old Tucson yourself or take a tour bus that stops at all the interesting spots. Kids love this place, and there are dozens of child-friendly exhibits and attractions.
Guerneville, California
About 75 miles north of San Francisco, you’ll find the picturesque town of Guerneville, a place where redwoods tower above the horizon, fast-moving rivers run wild, and ocean views are nothing short of spectacular. The quaint village gets a modest number of tourists throughout the year, most of whom are fishing enthusiasts and nature photographers. You won’t go broke staying in local hotels, enjoying the excellent local restaurants, and camping in the nearby parks. Guerneville is an out of the way town whose residents are always glad to welcome visitors, offer advice about the best fishing spots, and give directions to local landmarks.