This year marks 30 years for Tokyo Disneyland. Since its opening in 1983, Tokyo Disney has prided itself on being a magical place where dreams come true and where spreading happiness is a main priority to their guests. Therefore, the theme for this major milestone is happiness, and the year long celebration is aptly named “The Happiness Year”. […]
Read on for updates on my life, future travel plans, some big announcements and more! A lot of people have been wondering what exactly I’m up to seeing as my initial teaching contract ended July 1st. This time last year, I was dead set on returning home promptly after one year in Hong Kong– and now everything […]
Every Friday I’ll be sharing a photo from someplace in my travels. This week’s photo is of the Permanent Chinese Cemetery in Tseung Kwan O, Hong Kong. Death is a subject no one likes talking about, but in a place as crowded as Hong Kong, just what happens after people pass away? With Hong Kong being […]
Every Friday I’ll be sharing a photo from someplace in my travels. This week’s photo is of a Buddhist temple next to the Ruins of St. Paul, in Macau. Macau is an interesting place in that it is filled with various religions. Because Macau was once a Portuguese colony, there is a sizable Roman Catholic community. […]
Macau is often referred to as the Vegas of the East, and while it is decked out in casinos, there’s also so much more. I already talked about how to spend one day in Macau seeing both the culture and casinos, but I didn’t really touch on the food. Oh, the food. Street food runs rampant in Asia, […]